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Since its first publication in 1998, "The $100 Hamburger - A Guide to Pilot's Favorite Fly-In Restaurants" has become more than a book.
It's a cultural phenomenon felt far outside its intended target market, the general aviation small plane owner pilot. Virtually every aviation magazine has written about the book. The mainstream media has covered it as well. The book's companion website clocks over 450,000 site visits per month. Each week it receives 50 to 10 updates (PIREPs) from the pilot readers. These PIREPs affect over 80% of the sites reported on in the book. Since the original reports from 1998 aren't accurate anymore, John Purner just recently came out with this Third Edition which features over 80% new content - new restaurants, new airports, and completely updated reports on both from pilots all over the US, Canada, and the UK.
The name "100$ Hamburger" may need revision, but the guide and the destination all got revised very recently. This book will make a great gift for the new plane owner looking for places to go but also for every airport bum, traveler, or aviation enthusiast.
Author: John F. Purner
508 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-147925-7
ISBN-10: 0-07-147925-2
This is a huge book! We now have the latest edition in stock! - 12th EDITION It's full of everything aviation. And, we do mean everything. This ultimate reference book...
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