We are expanding our collection of aviation patches and military patches from all branches. Of course, we prefer the ones related to flying, Air Force, Navy, and Marines. What started as a passion turned into a business and drawing designs for squadrons. As payment for the designs, we often end up with either additional patches or overruns. We mainly work with "Squadron Flight Shop". They don't sell to the public, so we recently became their “retail outlet” for individual collectors. The patches are primarily going directly to the squadrons and units themselves. They are hard to find and therefore: Originals in limited quantities!
UK Customers:
We are still working on your new Brexit VAT Laws. As is stands right now, we have found that if you keep your orders small, there are little to no issues. In some rare instances there is a slight delay at customs and sometimes an additional charge. Order at your own risk.
$24.95 $29.95
NEW! Original F-22 Raptor Patch from the 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron out of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The 422nd recently went to WSEP / Combat Archer and made...
NEW!We received a lot less of these than the other one. Order NOW! The second patch made up in "RAPTOR DRIVER" Style for WSEP / Combat Archer 2024 by...
$14.95 $15.95
2024 Santa Claus Patch! This year, Santa is having the USAF Thunderbirds give him a ride. And the Falcon is looking mighty festive on this F-16 Swoop Patch.Made in collaboration...
OUR 2023 CHRISTMAS PATCH IS HERE! Rudolph is "borrowing" the F-35 for his mission! The latest edition of our annual "Crazy Camo Santa" PVC Morale Patch Series has arrived and features...
Sold Out - $24.95
NEW IN 2024! Really cool patch the 65th made for the F-16 side of the house in 2024. We only have a small quantity because the squadron is selling and...
$27.95 $29.95
NEW IN 2024! Received a few more! Original Patch from the 65th Aggressor Squadron out of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The 65th AGRS is a US Air Force unit currently operating...
$39.95 $49.95
2024 Patch! Very limited quantities! Last patch of the 2024 series the 65th AGRS SQ made commemorating "The Year of the Dragon". The 65th AGRS is a US Air Force unit currently...
Sold Out - $65.00
ONLY ONE LEFT! Beautiful and BIG patch made for the 65th Aggressors. This patch is 5" tall! We only have a small quantity because the squadron is selling and trading...
2024 Patch! This is a different spin the 65th Aggressor Squadron did this year for the "Year of the Dragon" for their F-35 Lightning Flyers! Original Patch from the 65th...
Sold Out - $49.95
2024 Patch! - GONE! Original Patch from the 65th Aggressor Squadron out of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.It's the "Year of the Dragon" for this Squadron in many ways. The...
ONLY ONE LEFT! Only produced for this years Red Flag 24-3, we were able to snag a few. These will not be remade. Great artwork! Original Patch from the 65th...
THE LAST ONE OF ITS KIND! This "Hawgsmoke", the biennial United States Air Force bombing, missile, and tactical gunnery competition for A-10 Thunderbolt II units, was the last one of...
LAST ONE! The 62nd Fighter Squadron "Spikes" made a new patch with SFS in 2024.They are part of the USAF 56th Operations Group, which this patch shows.It's pretty clear what...
$29.95 $39.95
MADE FOR RED FLAG 24-3 Original Collector Patch made for the 24th Fighter Squadron from Hill AFB, UT participating at Red Flag 24-3 this year.Beautiful Artwork! Keeping it Rude! ...
Sold Out - $49.95
LAST ONE... F-22 RAPTOR PATCH from the 525th Fighter Squadron visiting Nellis AFB for Red Flag 24-1! A beautiful new patch with a bunch of detail! If you look at the star and...
Sold Out - $32.95
SMALL QUANTITY! 2023 Patch the Aggressors made at Nellis AFB. We only have a small quantity because the squadron is selling and trading most of them at Red Flag. The...
NEW COMBO! This combo includes two patches the Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 232 (VMFA-232) recently made up. The VMFA-232 Insignia Patch"The Devil Made Me Do It" F/A-18C Patch The Red...
IT'S BACK! PVC Version of our classic patch! F-35 "SI VIS PACEM PARA BELLUM" - "If you want peace, prepare for war" Patch made up originally by the 422nd TES...
Sold Out - $79.95
WE'RE DOWN TO THE LAST FEW OF THESE!These will not be remade... We have something new and special from the USAF Thunderbirds for you! The Thunderbirds are celebrating their 70th...
ALMOST GONE! Original Patch from the 65th Aggressor Squadron out of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The 65th AGRS is a US Air Force unit currently operating the F-35A Lightning II. It...
Sold Out - $29.95
ONLY 2 LEFT! This is a variation of the "Lightning Driver" Patch, the Aggressors came up with for Red Flag. Even though only they know what exactly the wanted to...
ONLY 2 LEFT! This is a variation of the "Lightning Driver" Patch, the Aggressors came up with for Red Flag. Even though only they know what exactly the wanted to...
NEW! Original Patch from the 65th Aggressor Squadron out of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The 65th AGRS is a US Air Force unit currently operating the F-35A Lightning II. It is...
NEW! Original Patch from the 65th Aggressor Squadron out of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The 65th AGRS is a US Air Force unit currently operating the F-35A Lightning II. It is...
NEW! Original Patch from the 65th Aggressor Squadron out of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The 65th AGRS is a US Air Force unit currently operating the F-35A Lightning II. It is...
TEMPO THUNDER Here is another A-10 patch that just fell into our hands. Not sure about you guys but we can't get enough of the Thunderbolt. Not sure the F-35...
New! "With your shield or lying on it"New patch Red Flag came up with for 2024. - PVC - Condition: brand new - Hook & Loop backing - Individually...
Sold Out - $29.95
Almost gone! The 133rd Air Refueling Squadron had one of their KC-46As tail painted up with beautiful artwork featuring the US flag and the ANG Minuteman Emblem by famous artist and...
NEW! New patch made for the Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 211 "Wake Island Avengers". If you know their history, you know there is a strong connection between the 211th and Hawaii. One...
ALMOST OUT! At the end of 2022 the 525th Fighter Squadron "The Bulldogs" took their F-22 Raptors back to Kadena Air Base to participate in bilateral training events. The 525...
NEW in 2024! The 525th Fighter Squadron went back to Kadena and came up with a cool new iteration of their 2022 Japan Patch. Did the planes get painted black...
BRAND NEW! LIMITED EDITION! The 60th Fighter Squadron "Fighting Crows" took their Lockheed Martin F-35As back to Florida and promptly came up with this patch in February 2023. We're not exactly clear...
ONLY 2 LEFT! New patch the Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 211 "Wake Island Avengers" came up with. The VMFA-211 is a United States Marine Corps fighter attack squadron, currently consisting of...
Sold Out - $18.95
ONLY 1 LEFT! New patch the Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 211 "Wake Island Avengers" came up with. The VMFA-211 is a United States Marine Corps fighter attack squadron, currently consisting of...
ONLY ONE LEFT! New patch the Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 214 "Blacksheep" came up with. They are honoring their roots by going back all the way to 1943 when they were...
Sold Out - $35.95
LAST ONE! Really cool design and artwork! Original Patch made by the 65th Aggressor Squadron out of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. This one became very popular quickly! The 65th AGRS...
Only one available! The "Scorpions" finally made another patch with us again! New detailed aircraft patch featuring the AE-18G "Growler". - New / never worn - PVC - Hook &...
IT IS BACK! IT IS BETTER! F-35B Lighting II shaped patch made for the Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 122, called the "Flying Leathernecks". The writing on the ailerons say "Mach...
NEW! New patch made for the Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 211 "Wake Island Avengers". In 2023 the VMFA 211 commissioned local artist Will Gomer to do a new creative rendering of their...
ONLY ONE LEFT! Patch made for the Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 211 "Wake Island Avengers". The VMFA-211 is a United States Marine Corps fighter attack squadron, currently consisting of F-35B Lightning...
NEW! New version of the Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 122, called the "Flying Leathernecks" Insignia Patch. Made famous by their colorful Commander "Pappy" Boyington, the Flying Leathernecks have a rich history...
NEW! The Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 122, called the "Flying Leathernecks" have a new patch. "Mach Altus" is the name of their mascot which comes from the Mach Number and the Latin...
Sold Out - $32.95
NEW THIS SUMMER! New patch the Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 214 "Blacksheep" came up with this summer commemorating their latest exercise. Can you guess where they went?? They are honoring their...
NEW in 2022! "Always Ready" (semper vigilans) is the motto of the 142nd Wing of the Oregon Air National Guard. This patch displays all the units of the Operations group....
FOUND 2 MORE! F-22 RAPTOR PATCH from the 525th Fighter Squadron made for WSEP 24-8! Another beautiful design by the Bulldogs. - Brand new! / never worn - PVC...
Sold Out - $25.95
ALMOST GONE! F-22 RAPTOR PATCH from the 525FS! This patch, featuring an interesting new design and unique colors, was made by "The Bulldogs" for Checkered Flag this year. -...
$12.95 $14.00
NEW! - The latest installment of our "Very Angry Bird" Series! The F-15 Eagle is here, and she's angry ... VERY angry! This PVC patch featuring the iconic USAF F-15...
NEW! NEW F-35 Lightning II PATCH the 58FS "Gorillas" made for their field trip to Volk Field in Wisconsin this year in 2022! The 58th Fighter Squadron operated the F-15 Eagle...