Our goal is not to just simply give you more of the same aviation books other pilot stores already offer but to build a unique collection of aviation themed books, flying stories, airplane history books, and aviation humor books that might be more difficult to find. A lot of them are produced by the little guy, pilots who wrote their own books, and aviation buffs. We know most of the aviation authors in here personally and want to give them a voice on AVIATORwebsite.
This is a huge book! We now have the latest edition in stock! - 12th EDITION It's full of everything aviation. And, we do mean everything. This ultimate reference book...
Great book by fellow aviation writer, friend, and former colleague, Michael Maya Charles. We highly recommend this for every pilot or aviation enthusiast who loves to read about the magic...
This is a great book for the aviation buff who has already read everything you can find about the F4U on wikipedia. Written by our friend Tom Brinkman, this book...
Sold Out - $29.95
BRAND NEW!! AVAILABLE NOW! The cartoonists of “Chicken Wings Comics” have teamed up with aviation author Jim Cunningham to take a look behind the scenes of important Moments in Aviation History...
Latest Version of the Classic Book! What’s going on up there when the rain falls, when the wind blows, when the clouds roll in and the lightning flashes? How do...
Sold Out - $21.95
This Is Your Captain Speaking - A Common Sense Manual for Keeping Your Wings Level By Captain Ed Owen While admittedly somewhat limited (about the width and height of an...
Sold Out - $14.95
Join the fearless and funny aviator Ace Abbott on his journey through the back alleys of aviation. This is a really well written, funny, yet often “keeping you on the...
$6.95 $9.95
If you fly IFR or teach IFR flying then this is pretty much the best little book in the industry we have found. Check out this shortcut to IFR Review! ...
Sold Out - $12.95
True Pilot Stories is a collection of stories by veteran writer Patricia Lorenz and over 50 commercial, cargo, military, private, experimental, helicopter, hot-air balloon and blimp pilot pilots from all...
"Good Landing" is the first book of the now famous aviation comics and cartoon collection by Martin Leeuwis! The book contains 160 pages with cartoons and comics from 20 different...
Sold Out - $26.95
Since its first publication in 1998, "The $100 Hamburger - A Guide to Pilot's Favorite Fly-In Restaurants" has become more than a book. It's a cultural phenomenon felt far...
Signed by the author! We are very excited to introduce this new book to you. If you have ever flown on an airliner, you will love this book about airline...
Second installment of the series "Jetlagged Comic",Signed by the author! We've all flown in our lives, but have you ever tried making it your career? Creator of Jetlagged Comic Kelly Kincaid did...
Sold Out - $19.95 $24.95
Collection of Ding Duck cartoons from the famous Australian Cartoon Series "The Swamp" by David Clark. "The Swamp" has a huge following in Australia and can be found in all of...
Are you as surprised as we are that Roost-Air is still in business? Seemingly unaffected by the current economy the flying chickens are still going strong with Julio keeping Chuck flying...
With employees like these, it is one of aviation’s greatest mysteries how “Roost Air” manages to stay in business. But here they are again! In this third Chicken Wings comic...
$12.95 $14.95
Whoever said chickens can’t fly? This is the second installment of the "Chicken Wings" series and the first book in full color!! Including more strips, more aviation, more “fowl” jokes,...
$10.95 $12.95
The Classic! “Chicken Wings” is the first of its kind aviation humor book designed to entertain the airplane enthusiast, air show visitor, cartoon lover, flight student, and pilot alike. In...
All the way from Australia: A brand new book by Gary Clark, featuring the famous Ding Duck from the highly successful comic series “The Swamp”. This book is a snapshot...
$5.95 $6.95
NEW! This is the SECOND EDITION of our popular airplane coloring book for kids!Same book, same quality, same price, yet 4 MORE PAGES of coloring fun! This Chicken Wings Coloring...
Chicken Wings' "My First Airplane Coloring Book" features characters and designs from Chicken Wings, as well as a variety of other illustrations of aircraft. If you are a pilot, chances...
Sold Out - $14.95
THE CLASSIC! Basically the book that started it all is now in its 10th Printing AND now includes the "Say No More" Follow up book as well! The books of...
Sold Out - $70.00
The "Chicken Wings Mega Combo" ! Get the entire current series of Chicken Wings Books in this Special Super Saver Combo for OVER 25% OFF! That's 6 books for the price of 4.5...
$8.95 $12.95
In staying with the theme "from aviators for aviators" we are proud to present you this children's book! It's a cute little story about a lonely bear who builds planes...
Astra The Lonely Airplane Astra is a sleek, beautiful, shiny Gulfstream 100 airplane with a fun and playful personality, who finds herself all alone in her hangar with an uncertain...
Another book from our international collection! This book is full of anecdotes based on true events in aviation. The yarns are spun by cockpit or cabin crew members, but also...
Sold Out - $12.95
You have probably already seen a few of the aviation jokes that have been circling around the internet for years. Now you have them all collected in one single book,...
Sold Out - $16.95
We highly recommend this work for everybody who is interested in flying for the airlines. This book is an eyeopener about how the business really works and Pete Buffington is...
The "Chicken Wings Starter Pack" ! Get the first four Chicken Wings Books in this special super saver combo for a price less than 3 books! SAVE OVER 20 bucks!! Chicken...
Brace yourself for this sequel to "OK, one more yarn..."! This book is full of more anecdotes based on true events about aviation in all its facets. Yarns by cockpit-...
“Please Wait, to be seated” is the third book of the very successful aviation cartoon collection put together by Martin Leeuwis. And the list of participants is growing! This time he found...
Over 25 years after their first publication ("Say Again", which is also available here),Martin Leeuwis and Ton van Andel have published their 8th book. Another 160 pages of cartoons and...
Sold Out - $14.95
"Going Up, Sir" is the successor of the very successful book "Good Landing", another collection of aviation related comics and cartoons by 21 different artists from around the world. Again...