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This Is Your Captain Speaking - A Common Sense Manual for Keeping Your Wings Level
By Captain Ed Owen
While admittedly somewhat limited (about the width and height of an aircraft windscreen) and woefully short of the "big picture", the pilot's perspective offers some unique insights. Those insights are presented as a series of tales (of the sort told by flight crews everywhere) that, while amusing and lighthearted, give reason to pause and think.
Published by iUniverse, Inc. (December 20, 2004)
296 pages, English
ISBN: 978-0-595-33179-6
Product Dimensions: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 15.5 ounces.
Our Review:
His book is really a good gift for anybody you know who loves to read. It's a compilation of tales and funny stories that are very, very loosely connected. But you don’t have to be a pilot to enjoy this book. It is a lighthearted outlook on life through the eyes of an aviator. We would even go a step further and claim him to be sort of a “modern Saint Exupery” we like the book so much. It is also extremely well written and a real pleasure to read.
This is a huge book! We now have the latest edition in stock! - 12th EDITION It's full of everything aviation. And, we do mean everything. This ultimate reference book...
Great book by fellow aviation writer, friend, and former colleague, Michael Maya Charles. We highly recommend this for every pilot or aviation enthusiast who loves to read about the magic...
This is a great book for the aviation buff who has already read everything you can find about the F4U on wikipedia. Written by our friend Tom Brinkman, this book...
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BRAND NEW!! AVAILABLE NOW! The cartoonists of “Chicken Wings Comics” have teamed up with aviation author Jim Cunningham to take a look behind the scenes of important Moments in Aviation History...