$17.95 $19.95
"Make the boat great again"
Brand new 2017 Cruise patch of the Electronic Attack Squadron 209 (VAQ-209) also known as the "Star Warriors". They fly the EA-18G Growler out of NAS Whidbey Island and made this patch for their latest work-ups on the USS Theodore Roosevelt.
This patch is incredible hard to find and we have a VERY limited quantity for you. we pretty sure you won't find this patch anywhere else.
- Embroidered
- Condition: brand new - never worn
- (Patch does not have velcro backing)
- Size: 4.125" tall - 4.0" wide
To verify authenticity or if you are in a squadron and want to put in a mass order please check the "Squadron Flight Shop".
$24.95 $29.95
NEW! Original F-22 Raptor Patch from the 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron out of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The 422nd recently went to WSEP / Combat Archer and made...
NEW!We received a lot less of these than the other one. Order NOW! The second patch made up in "RAPTOR DRIVER" Style for WSEP / Combat Archer 2024 by...
$14.95 $15.95
2024 Santa Claus Patch! This year, Santa is having the USAF Thunderbirds give him a ride. And the Falcon is looking mighty festive on this F-16 Swoop Patch.Made in collaboration...
OUR 2023 CHRISTMAS PATCH IS HERE! Rudolph is "borrowing" the F-35 for his mission! The latest edition of our annual "Crazy Camo Santa" PVC Morale Patch Series has arrived and features...